My birthday is approaching...well not like tomorrow, but it's right around the corner. I will be 38 this year. 38 is terribly close to the big 40. "What is the big deal about turning 40?", I sometimes ask myself. I guess the big deal is that it's kind of the half way point for most people (or at least we hope so). It forces you to think that your life is half over. Then you have to ask yourself all kinds of questions:
- Did I make good decisions in my life?
- Do I have any regrets?
- Did I make a difference?
- Do I have enough life insurance?
- Where did all the time go?
Sure we've all made bad decisions; that's how we learn.
Sure, we have regrets;otherwise we would be perfect (and we know who holds that record).
Make a difference? I like to think so.
Life Insurance.....Got it!
Time....gone....can't replace it.
So, there....I have answered all life's important on with the dance!
"Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance. " (If you're really lucky, you'll have friends who will dance on the bar with you.)