Monday, July 16, 2007

Go Eagles!

Everyone knows the Mom Gasp…you know when you kid falls or wrecks their bike and you “gasp”. Tonight I discovered a new “gasp”. The gasp when your 9 year old is playing tackle football for the first time and you watch as someone plows straight into him on purpose. Today was the first day of Football camp and it’s going to be a long season. The worst part is, under all that equipment they all look the same, so I was not only gasping for my kid but for all 80 of the other kids too. I am not sure that my mommy senses can take this one. I am used to baseball games where the occasional wild pitch might bounce off the helmet but this is a whole new realm.

As I looked around, there were only a few Moms present but there were a ton of Dads. Obviously the Mom’s that weren’t there have done this before and knew better. The Dad’s watched proudly as their sons took hits. I know that they are covered in pads, but I also know that underneath all those pads is a little boy whom I have loved and protected from harm for 9 years. That’s NINE years of keeping him out of harms way and now this. I paid money for him to go out on a big field and be pushed, shoved and knocked to the ground. Where’s the logic in that?

Now I know the real reason why we practice all summer for a sport that doesn’t start until fall. It’s not so the boys can be ready, it’s for the mom’s. It’s so that we mom’s can get all the “gasping” out of our system and be the ones in the stands cheering. Look for me.....I'll be the one cheering the loudest with my eyes closed!